PIAS Announces 2024 Graphic Awards Winners
The Printing Industry Association of the South, Inc. (PIAS) announced the winners of its 2024 Graphic Awards at a special presentation on June 4, 2024, during the PIAS 49th Annual Convention at the Hilton SanDestin Beach Resort in Destin, Florida. The PIAS Graphic Awards competition, held annually, is designed to recognize and appropriately honor those responsible for the creation, design and production of top-quality printed materials; those which have impact, appeal and effectiveness as sales/marketing, communications or educational medium. Entries were submitted in one of four divisions: Printers with less than 20 employees; Printers with 21 to 60 employees; Printers with more than 60 employees; and Trade Houses specializing in Binding & Finishing Services. The judges determined which would receive: the coveted Best of Show Award; one of four Best of Division Awards; mounted certificates for Best of Category; or unmounted certificates for Award of Excellence. One special award winners was also decided for the best Self-Advertising piece. In total, 405 Awards of Excellence were presented this year, including: 167 Best of Category awards, in addition to the Self-Promotion Award, Best of Division, and Best of Show awards.
The PIAS Graphic Awards Competition is judged by a panel of 3 experts using a point system. A printed piece must earn a certain number of points based on set criteria to receive an Award of Excellence. The judges evaluate each entry based upon the following criteria: degree of difficulty; quality and technique of reproduction; excellence in creativity, design, typography and general layout; and, if appropriate, unusual applications such as special effects, etc. The entry receiving the highest composite score within each category will receive the Best of Category Award. After judging is completed for each category within a division, all of the Best of Category winners from that division are grouped together and judged again to determine which entry is to receive the Best of Division award. After judging is completed for all divisions, all of the Best of Division winners are grouped together and judged again to determine which entry is to receive the top honor – the Best of Show trophy.
We received 4 Awards of Excellence and 2 Best of Category Awards!
Best of Category: City of Knoxville Parks & Recreation Park and Play Vehicle Wrap and Graphic Creations Customer Appreciation Christmas Box
Award of Excellence: Perfection Group Infographic Bifold Brochure, Graphic Creations Leadership Business Card, UT College of Communication & Information Conference Room Wall Display and Ainsley’s Angels 5K Race Award